Thursday, December 1, 2011

Morning Sickness.

As I'm writing this, I'm on the brink of puking.  And for anyone out there that has been as miserable as me, I'm sure is willing to try anything.  So here are some tips that have helped me, and some tips I've found online that help MOST people [but not me].

One thing I've found on many websites, that actually has helped me is eating small meals every couple of hours, while snacking in between.  Basically, keep something in your mouth all the time.  If you throw it up, at least you have something to throw up, and theres a chance that you'll eat enough to be able to keep some of it in.  Where as, if you only eat a small amount, your more likely to puke it all up.  The most important thing is to be getting some sort of food in your belly for the baby.
So many people say to eat Saltines and drink 7up, for me, this worked for about 3 days before the crackers smelled like sulfer and the 7up tasted like liquid candy.  But if it works it works.  An alternative would be cheezits.  I have to say my belly liked those better...they do the same job and have a different flavor.  And the cheese substance in it is softer, so when you throw up, it's a lot more coaxing.  In the begining weeks water worked best for me, but we have a on-again off-again relationship.  One day I love water, the next I hate it.  Keep fluids in you though-even if you can't keep them down, keep drinking!!
They say to avoid citrus types of foods/drinks, and anything with a lot of acid, but around weeks 6-8 for me, I only wanted orange juice and tomato soup, and they worked great for me.  One thing to remember is that everyone is different, so experiment.
Basically my food preferences change everyday.  We have avoided any major food shopping trips, because we could buy a lot that sounds good, then the next day I wont touch any of it.  So we buy as we go.  I've learned that if something sounds tolerable, to jump on it and get it-chances our your brain is telling you what you need.  Kraft Mac N Cheese and dry turkey breast sounded good to me for a week or so, and I lived on it.  I only threw up once from the Mac and it really filled me up.  I swear by the turkey, by the way!  Just try it, something about it that soothes the tummy!
Another thing that many have told me to try, is ginger.  I've tried ginger tablets, ginger altoids, and ginger gum-they all suck for me.  But worth a shot.  I haven't tried cookies, and I do love gingerbread cookies, so I'll give those a shot this Christmas time.  =)
Also, avoid too hot or too cold of foods, that can irriate the stomach.  Which is hard to do when I want a hot tea or a popsicle, so I use moderation...if I'm feeling well, I'll try something.
One thing that's really helped me is sitting up when I eat, it helps your stomach digest eveything better.  Or try taking a walk after you eat.  This can also help with constipation and gas...which since I've been pregnant have been some major issues for me.  =(
I've found that pastas, which are my favorite foods, are harder to digest, and the worst to throw up, so I've avoided a lot of those.
I will probably post more later.

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