Tuesday, December 13, 2011

11 and 12 week updates.

11 weeks was a great point for me.  Last week my morning sickness pretty much stopped all together.  I also was swearing that I was feeling the baby...just slightly.  Everyone was calling me crazy though so I ignored it.  I definitely feel the weight that I'm gaining.  Also, since week 9, my bra size has gone up a cup, and I'm not the least bit thrilled.  So sore, so heavy, so miserable.
12 weeks.  This week for me is huge, even though I just started it.  I've been looking forward to this milestone for quite some time...before I was even pregnant.  Probably the most secure place in my pregnancy.  They baby is pretty strong at this point, and looks more like a baby than an alien.  The chance of miscarriage at this point is pretty slim, but the fact that it is still possible still rings in my hears.  I just keep chanting "you've made it 12 weeks, Amber, calm down!"  to myself.  haha.  One thing is, the last few days, I'm positive I've felt the baby, and I wish I hadn't ignored it last week.  I've read many tiny moms feel the baby as early as 10-11 weeks...average mom feels it between 13-15.  So I'm taking this moment to declare week twelve as the week I felt the baby for the first time.  But I think I was more concerned that it wasn't real, that it distracted the moments.  So I'm paitiently waiting for him to move again.  I'm pretty much on a schedule with eating.  I have a breakfast every morning-which I never used to be able to do.  Then i eat two lunches, once around 1, once around 3, then dinner usually around 5 or 6, and another dinner around 9, and then I usually snack throughout the night.  I haven't weighed myself since my last Doctor's apt the end of November.  My next appt is Dec. 27th.  My pre-pregnancy weight was 92, last time I weighed in at 95, and I'm hoping to see at least 99 on the scale next time. My belly is getting pretty good size, and I want to measure it soon.  My waist has always been 23 inches, so I'm curious to see what it is now.  =)  Some new pregnancy symptoms I've recently come to experience...heartburn-even when I eat the most simple of things.  Ice cream, mayonnaise,  and popsicles all give me heartburn.  Also, smelly armpits.  I shower twice daily at least, sometimes 3...and it doesn't matter how much I scrub them, how much deodorant I wear, I'll be sitting there on the couch and all of a sudden my armpits are radiating BO...I've never ever had this problem before.  Something to do with the hormones...I'll be looking more into it.  Also, I am always annoyed with people.  I get rather pissed off at little things.  I was never like this before.  I'm a people person, very accepting, but sometimes if someone is telling a stupid joke, I have to leave the room before I blow up and tell them just how stupid that joke is.  haha.  I laugh now, but I feel awful when it happens.  I feel like a mean person, but I can't help it.  Oh and I have the worst road rage-from the passenger side.  I never got my driver's licence [because I was always so scared of wrecking], and my goal before my third trimester was to get my licence, but my husband and I both agree now is not the time for me to be on the road.  I roll down the window and cuss at the guy who didn't use his blinker.  I get soooo angry being in the car.  Thomas has started distracting me by talking to me in the car, but I still spot stupidity in the corner of my eye.  Haha, it's the worst.  And it's just as bad being a pedestrian...I'm the crazy screaming lady walking to work, because people have no concern for pedestrians.  Another thing is I see 2pm on the clock, and it's nap time, even if i slept til noon.  my body is on this schedule of sleep and eating, and it takes up my entire day.  I'm going with it though, because the baby is obviously needing food and rest, and it's my job to make sure he gets it.
Baby names are the topic right now, we've had the boy name picked out for a long time, it's Tucker Stanley, but the girl name changes day to day, so I'll keep you posted on any of that.
I finally did some shopping for the baby the other day.  I was really excited.   I was taking a walk through town and had some cash on my so I stopped at Bella's Boutique new and used baby store.  I really like this store for the clothes and blankets, but I do not recommend them for furniture, or customer service.  They were selling a used crib that they sell at target for 250, and she had it tagged for 475!!!  She's out to make a profit.  but, I got a couple outfits,  7 bibs, and a burb cloth all for around $10.  And they were all new and so cute!  I also found some good deals on wipes and lotions recently, so I picked some of those up.  Our diaper bag is full of stuff, so I bought an organizer and am going to start setting up baby stuff, now that our collection is growing.  Well, that's about it for week 12, I want to post a few things tomorrow on topics about sonograms, circumcision, and baby gear.

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