Sunday, December 18, 2011

Bah humbug day.

One thing I'm really struggling with in my pregnancy is some of the emotions that come with it.  At least I'm hoping these are just emotions.  I've noticed lately a lot of people are really distancing themselves from me, and I feel like maybe I've been hurting people and not realising it.  And then again, I feel like maybe everything is fine and I'm just making it all up in my head-mostly because my husband keeps telling me so haha.  He's a happy go lucky guy who doesn't cause issues, avoids them at any cost, and if there is an issue he'd rather pretend it's not there.  And while that is comforting and easy at times, I'm just the opposite and I can sense people's feelings towards me and always feel the need to fix it.  I'm a fixer...with everything.  But it's weird because I'll be having, what I believe a normal conversation with someone, and I feel like they are constantly defending themselves to me, as if I've attacked them.  So I want to make it clear to anyone reading this, that I have not meant to strike any harm or hurt, any embarassment or shame, any annoyance or any mean-ness towards anyone.  I hope these are hormones and twisted pregnancy thinking, and I'm not really losing relationships with people.  =/

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