Monday, December 19, 2011

Dear baby 12/19/11

Dear Baby,
Today I started my second trimester with you in my belly.  I waited this long to write you for fear of losing you, but I think you're stuck in there for a while longer.  The first trimester, you kicked my butt.
Daddy and I got to hear your heart beat 3 weeks ago, and I've recently got to feel you move, but just a few times.  I want you to know how excited your daddy and I are to meet you.  I think it's important that you know you are loved and wanted even before you're here.  I have wanted you since I was a little girl, and I've been praying for you for so long.  It's important to me that I know I've done everything I can to make sure you know that you are perfect, and nothing about you, the time you came, or any of the circumstances surrounding you are wrong.  Everything is right and perfect.  I want you to know that I love your Dad more than anyone else on this planet, and the fact that we created something that is half me, and half him, is the most amazing thing to ever happen.  Thinking about you in my arms in a few short months is getting me through the day.  I pray for you everyday.  I pray that you are and will be happy, comfortable, and healthy.  And I pray that you know the God that made you, and you too will give your heart to him the way your Dad and I have.  I pray that you will have friendships, and love, and dreams.  And I pray that all your needs are met, all of your wants, and all of your goals.  I love you very much.  Thank you for completing my heart.


  1. I love this letter. Amber, you have thought so much more about how you will raise your child than I ever did. Probably the whole time I was raising him. I was never one to think things through, but I am learning to at 43.

  2. I have watched how all of my parents parented so differently, and I've taken what I've seen and either thought "I agree with how she did this, or I disagree" and I hope to apply it to my parenting. There are a lot of things I wish were different in my childhood, but there is a lot I would never change. There are some things I was surrounded by that I would never allow near my children, as well as a lot of love and support that I hope to drown my children I hope I've taken all the good things from being a kid and applied them to my life in such a way that my own kids will benefit. =) Thanks Diana, I hope I make everyone proud as a mom.
