Thursday, July 5, 2012

Too much time has passed.

So I have not updated this blog since I was 28 weeks pregnant, so I am just going to fill you in from where I left off.
My 2nd trimester ended smoothly off of bed rest, but as I entered my third trimest around 34 weeks I had some mild bleeding again, but it ended up being nothing.  We did spend our Easter morning in Labor and Delivery though, monitoring the baby and the bleeding.  They determined it was just my uterus stretching and causing a little bit of blood loss.  The baby was totally fine so they sent me home.
With my last trimester came complete exhaustion.  I'd sleep about 16-20 hours a day, and was only awake to get a snack or pee.  I gained a total of 33 pounds with the pregnancy, and ended at 125lbs. my record was gaining 6 pounds in less than 2 weeks!  My cravings toward the end were french toast, starburts, and of course Taco Bell.  I have all three almost daily.  I know, I know!  I already feel guilty!
My baby shower was an amazing blessing.  My mom had a BBQ and I got more gifts than I ever imagined!  [Which reminds me of all the wonderful products I've come to love that I will share in a later blog!]
I ended up having a total of 4 sonograms throughout my pregnancy.  Two of which were completely unnecessary and I am not thrilled about it.  Since the determined in my second ultrasound that I did not have Placenta Previa, they shouldn't have continued with the sonograms, since everything was going healthy.  But alas, I had one, and then a week later I have another!  Next pregnancy I plan on standing up for myself a little better.  I'm not recalling if I ever wrote a blog on the danger of ultra sounds but here's a good link to check out:
So, that's the quick sum of my pregnancy up to 38 weeks [i'll share more details with the upcoming blogs]

At my 38 week check up I had really high blood pressure [which is very unusual for me!] and a high amount of protein in my urine.  Both of which are signs of pre eclampsia, so they hooked me up to monitors to check on the baby-baby was fine but I was having contractions [most of which I wasn't feeling]. So they sent me to the hospital to be monitored more closely.  They also sent me with a jug i had to collect all my pee in for 24 hours [which I had to keep in the fridge, so needlesstosay I was the butt of every joke that night when I had to go to the fridge which just annouced to everyone in the house that i had to go pee!].  I got to the hospital and after 5 hours my blood pressure went down so they sent me home.  The next day I returned my jug to my doctor and they said I had 700mg of protein in my urine-400mg was the cut off.  I was told to go to the hospital asap and to be prepared that if the tests came back bad I was going to be induced that night.  After a few hours, my wonderful nurse Jeni informed me that I did indeed have pre eclampsia and I would indeed be induced.  They began inducing me at 9:30pm June 13th.

Next blog---> Birth story.

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