Thursday, July 5, 2012

My birth story!

So as I said in my last blog, I had pre eclampsia, so they began inducing me at 9:30 pm on June 13th.  I was feeling contractions all that day, and they were getting more intense.  They began the induction with Cervidil.  That's a ribbon thats inserted in my vagina and attatched to my cervix.  It's used to soften the cervix and help me dilate.  This caused my contractions to get extremely intense.  I was to leave this in for 12 hours at which point they would start the Pitocin.  I was doing great with the contractions and back labor.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  No tears, no screams, I breathed through them great.  After those 12 hours were up a nurse, who I wasn't very fond of, came in to take the ribbon out and check my cervix.  When she began the exam it felt like my vagina had chemicals poured on it.  It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life.  I screamed and screamed. I had some sort of reaction to the medicine and aparently it was only going to get worse.  Now, I had promised myself that I would not get any pain medication, but after 6 nurses telling me I need the epidural, my husband saying we just needed a healthy baby and nothing else mattered, and making my mom promise not to tell anyone, I got the epidural.  I made it 14 hours into an induced labor without it, so I believe I still deserve some bragging rights there.  I was humiliated though and completely crushed.  They started the pitocin and my contractions got even worse, but the epidural made everything pretty easy.  Finally they came and checked me at 7pm and I was fully dilated...I had been ready to push for a while at that point.  so they set up the room and I began pushing at 7:15.  My mom had my left foot, my husband had my right foot, and my best friend, Haley had the camera behind the doctor.  She became my focal point during my pushing. Pushing actually felt great.  Part of the reason I had pushed so long though, was that my contractions began to slow and I was waiting about 3 minutes in between each push. I pushed for about 2 hours when they figured out that the baby was stuck under my pubic bone and wasn't progressing downward.  So the repositioned me on the bed.  They laid the bed flat and I was on my bak and I arched up and looked straight behind me and that got the baby to move downward.  Once the baby had moved down I got back up into the regular position and began pushing like crazy.  They had told me they only allow two hours of pushing before calling in a c-section, but I pushed for 3 hours.  Baby's head was out and everyone was cooing over all the hair they saw!  The cord was wrapped around his neck, but I didn't even know that until my husband mentioned it 3 days later.  Once his head was through [oh yeah...that ring of fire that no one tells you about until it's about to happens sucks, but I just pushed through real fast and got past it-which is probably why I tore so much!], the shoulders came right out and he slipped out pretty fast.  As soon as the body was sliding out I got the euphoric, ectasy type feeling wash over my whole body.  It was really an out of body experience.  A warm tingling feeling stayed over me and nothing hurt anymore.  All of a sudden I heard my husband say "It's a boy!"  I bawled and after that everything was a blur.  I sat there feeling so wonderful with my beautiful son on my chest.  I delievered the placenta and it felt great, too.  They stitched me up, which also didn't hurt, and then finally I came to and focused in on my husband washing the baby up.  Finally he was back in my arms.
Tucker Stanley Poeschel was born June 14th, 2012, at 10:19pm.  He was 6lbs 9oz and 20.5 inches long.  He had a head full of dark hair and dark blue eyes, and olive skin.  I instantly fell in love.

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