Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Parents! Don't back down!

I think it's really important to discuss your parenting strategies with your spouse before the baby is here, and once you've decided on something, don't back down.  I believe you should listen to experienced parents advice, consider what they say, why they say it, and the possible outcome, but you don't need to change your opinion just because they've had kids before so they "must be right".  I think new parents are pressured in so many ways to make "right" decisions for their children, when ultimately that's what life is about-learning for yourself.  Especially if you know someone's kids have not turned out the way you would want for your own children, consider doing things differently.  I've decided half way through my pregnancy that when someone shares with me how they would do something in a situation with their child, I'll listen, smile, and then keep my opinions to myself [for the most part].  I've gotten a lot of flack for the way Thomas and I believe children should be raised, and we've gotten a lot negative feed back that has hurt us.  I get a lot of eye rolling, snarls, "psh's", and demeaning giggles, as if I have no clue what I'm doing and I just sound ridiculous.  I don't think this is right.  Not everyone needs to agree with how you plan to parent, but it's important to get support on your parenting decisions so make sure your spouse has your back, or it can really break you down!  Unless someone is genuinely concerned about your baby's health or safety, then PLEASE consider what they are saying and if you have doubts as your doctor.

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