Wednesday, April 4, 2012

28 week update

Sorry it's been so long!  It seems like my pregnancy is flying by!

Weight Gain:
I now weight 109 as of today's doctor's appointment.  That's a total of 17 pounds gained.  I have been eating a lot healthier this week, and I'm quite proud of myself-if only I could remember my prenatals more often!  I've been eating a lot more fruit, yogurts, and getting lots of fiber and protein.  I'm still craving a lot of cereal, sandwiches, pastas, and anything Mexican...and anything icey cold.  If I could freeze everything I would.  Oh and still putting mayo on everything!

We've added a beautiful rocking chair, thanks to my Dad and his wife, Pam!  Other than that we haven't bought much more.  I am getting some great project ideas thanks to Pintrest!  I'll eventually post pictures once I get everything done.

I can now identify if it's hands & feet kicking me or if it's elbows or knees.  I can no longer see my feet.  I've signed up for childbirth classes and they start in the beginning of May.  I'm doing a breast feeding class tomorrow.

So I've continued my healthcare with Mercy OB, and so far it's going pretty well.  I did the glucose test about 3 weeks ago.  The first time I did it, I threw up the juice, so I had to go back a week later and do it all over again.  They put me on Zofran and it helps tremendously, since my queasiness has slightly returned.  I had my first pelvic exam 3 weeks ago as well-and it went terrible.  I've never had any female exams, and the doctor was not exactly gentle.  Her fingernails cut me.  =(  I cried.  And then she told me I may be too small to deliver, but I'm not really giving her opinion much thought honestly.  I was 25 weeks at the time...there's no way my bones are done stretching in preparation for birth.  I know plenty of girls my size or smaller who have had perfectly normal births, and I really have faith in my body and God that this is going to happen alright.  If it doesn't, we'll deal with that then, but I really don't think I'm "too small to deliver".  I did do a Non-Stress Test today because I've had the sensation that the baby is seizuring inside my stomach a couple times a week.  You can look down at my stomach when it happens and you can see it shake.  It's definitely not hiccups or contractions.  It's the strangest thing.  They hooked me up to the monitors to make sure the baby's heart rate was good and that he was getting enough oxygen, and everything was fine.  I've looked online and some doctors believe that it's the baby practicing breathing and that's the nerves reactions to getting the amniotic fluid out of his lungs.  Very weird, but all the women who say they've had the same experience [which seems to be a lot!] all said their baby's turned out fine and have never had any seizure disorders, heart problems, or anything of the sorts, so that's comforting.  I just have to have faith that everything is alright.

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