Wednesday, November 30, 2011


One of the things I brought up in my last blog, was how I'm an advocate for breastfeeding.  This is something that is so important to me.  I was a breastfed baby, and it wasn't until I was an adult that I was truly thankful that my mom did that for me.  When I picture myself as a mom, I've always pictured me looking down at my baby and doing what I was made to do-feed and nuture the baby.  I've never imagined a bottle, or making formula, or anything of the sorts, I've just never thought that I would go that route.  I did have a family member who had a hard tme breastfeeding.  The doctor said she wasn't getting enough nutrients to the baby, and that she needed to supplement.  She was heartbroken, but did it for the health of her children.  So let me begin by saying, I'm not against formula completely.  I think we are blessed that we've been able to create a supplement for our growing babies that can be used in emergency cases like these.  There are times when we need help to make sure our babies are healthy, and a mother should do everything in her power to make sure that happens, so in the case that the child's health is better off with formula, than breastmilk, then I'm all for it.  But statistically, I read it's less than 1% of the female population that will run into any serious issues with their breastmilk that can't be solved.
So, besides all the health related reasons that I'm for breastfeeding, I'm also a believer in bonding with your baby.  There is no bond like the one between a mother and her infant.  And while a lot of those feelings come natural, a lot of them take work.  Breastfeeding is the most natural thing a woman can do.  There is nothing gross, dirty, or sexual about it.  Women were made to do it.  God gave us breasts to feed our children and keep them alive.  Just because there are alternative ways of keeping our children alive now, doesn't mean you should partake in them.  So back to the bonding part.  A lot of women struggle to bond with their baby after it's born.  P.P. depression is a common thing.  As well as just all your crazy hormones affecting your ability to focus on the relationship between you and your infant.  You experience emotions of pain, happiness, jealousy, confusion, fear, ect,... and sometimes they are so overwhelming that it's hard to truely connect with your baby.  This is one of the most important reasons for breastfeeding.  When you are the source of life for your baby, they depend on you, love you, and appreciate you.  You are working as a team to keep you and the baby healthy [yes, that's right, breastfeeding is healthy for you too!], and when you are working together, you create a bond.  Also, there is so much that a dad can help with, but the thing with breastfeeding that is so empowering, is that this is the one thing that is truely made just for you and baby.  This is your time alone with the baby, to learn your baby, and let your baby learn you.  No one else can do this.
So, beyond the bonding part of breast feeding there are countless benefits for the baby's health, and yours.  Doctors and experts recommend that the baby is breastfed exclusively for six months, after that you can add in some other solids [if you are comfortable with that], but still sticking to a breastfeeding schedule for as long as you can.  The first year is ideal, and even longer if it's right for you and the baby.  Breastmilk can fight/prevent many infections such as ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and meningitis.  It helps build you and your baby's immune system.  It helps/prevents allergies, asthsma, diabetes, and SIDs.  Statistically, babies who are breastfed visit the doctor a lot less than formula fed, which also saves you a lot of money and time.  Also, need I mention the cost of formula-holy cow!!  Also, convenience.  I personally could not imagine how much my chore list is going to grow once our baby is here, I do not want to make something as crucial as my baby's feedings more complicated than they have to be.  "How many ounces?"  "When was the last time they were fed" "Is this brand giving him tummy aches?" "Do we have enough money to buy another can?"  "We only have enough left for one more feeding-is the store even open this late?"  These are all things I'd have to worry about that, if I don't have to, I don't want to.  Another pro to boobs...smarter babies!  That's right, stats show that breastfed babies have higher IQs, this is because there are nutrients available in breastmilk that man can just not create in formula.  Breastmilk is the purest thing a baby can have, it was created so perfectly by God himself, formula can come close, but doesn't quite make it at he top.  It's like the difference of taking vitamins versus eating the vegetables that carry the pure nutrients.  So one last benefit for baby that I want to touch on, is the digestive system.  Because of the purity of the breastmilk, the babies digest the milk so much easier, rather than formula which sits in the stomach and can cause constipation, gas, and just an upset baby in general-which is never fun for anyone!  One thing many mothers have mentioned in a pro to formula is that the babies sleep better and through the night.  This is because of the digesting that I just mentioned.  When we fill ourselves up with heavy foods, we sleep pretty good too, but most of the time it leads to a harsh bathroom episode, or an upset belly the next day, not too mention it stretches our stomach and we'll continue to over eat causing us to retain more fat.  while our baby sleeping longer is convient, they weren't made to sleep through night.  One thing that mother's have to deal with is lack of sleep.  But you can do it! Women for century's have been doing it, you can too!  This is just something to expect with parenthood, but there are many things to help with that.  For one, nap when baby does!  And also, co-sleeping can help with that too...lying the baby in the bed next to you while you feed her, can help you both rest better.  Ok, there are endless benefits for the baby to you breastfeeding, now I want to touch on the benefits for mom [besides bonding and a healthier baby].  Breastfeeding helps burn calories-I'm sure I don't need to go too much more into that.  Who doesn't want to squeeze back into their premommy pants?  Healthier skin and bones!  Your body is producing much more Vitamin D when nursing, that in the end your skin and bones benefit too!  I really hope every new mom, mother to be, or woman TTC at least gives breastfeeding a chance.  Sometimes its painful, tiring, or for some embarassing, but it's so worth it.  I hope I gave you some new thought and something to think about.  I'm not here to judge anyone who's decided against it, but I am definitely standing my ground that the pros outweigh the cons.  I will later post a blog with tips, techniques, and diets for nursing.

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