Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Motherhood: Where poop is interesting and "let-downs" are good things. ;)

I can't believe I haven't written since shortly after Tucker was born...but then again, I can believe it.  I've been busy.  Currently, he's sleeping on the bed with his dad...which is a rare occasion.  He's not one to sleep without his momma.  ;)

Well, I sure thought having a baby would be the cure for my baby fever, but it just made it worse.  I want another baby SO bad!  But, after many talks, Thomas and I have agreed to wait until Tucker's 1st birthday to re-evaluate our lives, see where we are at, and if it would be a wise decision to start trying.  =)  Which means I have 7 months to make things happen.  I gotta get my ducks in a row...New car, and another bedroom would do.  I am playing around the idea of starting my own business, but I'm not going to share the details on here.

Basically, Motherhood is fantastic, and tiring, but mostly fantastic.  I cry about everyday when I realize how fast time is flying.  My perfect baby boy is growing up too fast!  He's 5 months on the 14th, and weighs over 18 lbs.  He's sitting up [for very short amounts of time], eating some foods, trying to crawl, rolling over, and loving tv [ugh, I know!].

He's happy, healthy, and absolutely a blast.  I now understand so much more about life, seeing it through a parent's eye.  I've honestly never been happier.  I look at Tucker and I see this perfect product of my husband and I, and it's the most amazing thing.

I've pretty much kept up all my goals so far.  Breastfeeding is going great, except that he's learned to bite-lovely, I know.  He sleeps with us, I use my moby or a sling as much as possible, and we've never been apart.  He's attached at my hip... literally.  Only goal I missed was prolonging the food.  I did want to wait six months, but I waited until 4 months-but for the first 3 weeks it was just letting him taste things, not really eat any good amount.  But the last week he's eaten a couple of ounces every day just about.  So far he likes pineapples, tomatoes, raspberries [kinda], carrots, potatoes, and bananas.  He loves to eat and try to feed himself.  =)

My health is pretty good.  I fit back into my jeans when I got home from the hospital, and I was back down to my pre-baby weight at my 2 weeks appointment.  I've been trying to eat better, but I have a lot of improvement in that area.  I did bleed for 10 weeks, and I was so sore from pushing that I barely walked for the first 2 weeks...oh the things they don't tell you!  =P  Now, I'm up and about, and even finding [some] time to clean and cook!

I was collecting milk to donate, but that's a bigger commitment than I realized.  It's hard enough to feed my baby [who still eats every hour!], and find time to pump on top of all of my other chores.  I may start trying again now that it's winter and I don't really want to be out doing things in the rain.  I feel terrible since I promised a mother in need my milk, and I've yet to get some to her.  I pumped about 20 oz, but then it went bad before I could collect a good amount and drive it to her.  =/  All well, I'm trying!

I finally got the nursery decorations up on Tucker's side of our room.  So cute!

Well, that's it for now.  I have so many topics that I want to discuss, but bed is calling me.  [It's 9pm...I must be old!  haha]

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